Monday, December 17, 2012

David Meanix Questions & Fears

I like this imagine a lot. I like it because everything fits together like puzzle pieces,  The expression on both of their faces make the picture different.

I like this image because it looks interesting.  I think it is cool that the back of the head is open, It looks like the head is paper.

This imagine is very cool. I love cameras, and David Meanix made this look like an actual camera got cut up and glued back together,

I love David Meanix's art style. I love it because it is different than any other art work. It isn't common to find art like this. I like how David created something different and unoriginal.

I am afraid of heights (Acrophobia). I am afraid of death (Thanatophobia), and I am afraid of blood (Hemophobia). I'm scared to lose the people I care about, and I fear being forever alone.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Unique Species Part 2: My Creations and Combinations

Once upon a time there was a squirrelizardcat named Pabo. Pabo ate nuts in the park like every other squirrel, feared water like every other cat, and had the eyes of a lizard. He lived in an oak tree, He loved everyone, and everyone loved him.

Once upon there was an elephantduckrhino. His name was Julio. Julio loved the water and lived underwater. In his spare time, Julio liked to shop and play musical instruments. Everyone loved Julio as well as Pabo, and Pabo and Julio quickly became best friends.

Unique Species Part 1: 3 Pictures I like & what tools were used

For this combination, I think they used texture for the head to match the body. I think they used the dodge tool in the background to make it lighter. 
I think they used the dodge and burn tools to help get everything the same color and to make it look more realistic.

I think that they used the paint bucket tool to add the green on the nose. I also think that they used dodge and burn on the green parts on the nose to try to get the same color as the body.

Homework due 12/15- Switchzoo

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Frandy Jean- Haitian Painter

Today we had a guest speaker named Frandy Jean, He is from Haiti and loves making jewelry and painting pictures. He makes his jewelry out of pieces of paper and calendars. I learned many things from Frandy.  I learned what a "taptap" was. A taptap is a way of transportation (almost like a bus). I also learned about the way of life in Haiti. I saw their living conditions and gained a lot of respect for the people who are trying to overcome the hurricane that happened a few years ago.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Untooning Realistic Cartoons

I used the paint bucket tool to try and change the hair color. I used the sharpen tool around the wings, and the smudge tool on the hair and dress.  I went to imagine, adjustments, and then photo filter to change the color of her face to match the body.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Home work- Logoyes

Photography Campaign

I chose the topic of self harm as a social issue. I chose this topic because many students in school are doing these types of things, and I want to make people aware of this issue. I want to give help to the people who need it.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

10 Things I'm Thankful For

I'm thankful for the funnest best friend in the world. 

I'm thankful for having the most amazing boyfriend in the world.

I'm thankful for music and my guitar.

I'm thankful for my dog, Stanley!

I'm thankful for having the world's greatest sister.

I'm thankful for my parents who support me no matter what.

I'm thankful for the holidays!

I'm thankful for ice cream <3

I'm thankful for my phone.

I'm thankful for my tv.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Comparing New Magazines to Old Magazines

There are many differences between the two magazines. The newer magazine cover uses many different colors. The older magazine is more plain, and it does not have as much going on. The older magazine does not have as much detail as to the newer magazine.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Roy Lichtenstein

Benday Dots: involving a process for adding shaded or tinted areas made up of dots for reproduction by line engraving.
 Roy L. and Andy W. were both modern artists but their artwork differed greatly. Andy used multiples of his art and in different styles and colors on the same canvas,  Roy made his art more cartoon- like by adding dots in his artwork.